Monday, December 5, 2016

Painting a female human fighter


A model from Dungeons & Dragons: Castle Ravenloft Board Game, this time painted up for DnD. And yes, I know that the game description says she's a rogue, but rogues don't wait scale mail. Fighter it is.


Prime in black. This time, I had a bit of brown paint left over after painting another model, and applied it here before it dried. I also had other leftovers, so I applied gunmetal and black wash to the metallic parts (armor, bracers, swords).



I discovered that brown is a good basecoat for any light yellowish tone. So, as it is already customary, basecoat in brown all the leather (boots, belt), skin and hair areas. Below, the skintone basecoat is already applied over the brown.

Ochre goes over the brown for the hair.

Before applying washes, there are some areas that need highlighting: leather brown edge highlight on the boots and belt, yellow highlights on the ochre hair.

I also applied black wash on the belt to pop out the details before the brown wash meshes together the colors.

Painting the cape

I have gotten used to - in fact, this is one of the things that keeps painting interesting - that every miniature (or squad of miniatures) presents a new kind of challenge. If it doesn't by itself - such as this fighter, potentially just plain metal and leather surfaces - I look for something. This time, I thought of doing something new with the cape. I am not used to painting large cloth surfaces, so here goes. As I said, there's nothing else striking or unusual in her clothing, so I looked for something to contrast well with sandy blond hair. Let's go for a red cape.

Start with a dark red base.

Mix dark red with black (2:1), apply in the recesses, then use a second, damp brush to feather out the color towards the edges.

Mix dark red with bloody red (1:1), apply to the edges, then feather out towards the recesses.

Finally, edge highlight the edges with bloody red.

A suitably realistic and gritty appearance for a battle-worn, but still impressive cape.


Sepia wash (Seraphim sepia) on the hair.

Fleshtone wash (Reikland fleshshade) on the skin areas.

Brown wash (Agrax Earthshade) on the leather areas.


Edge highlight the skin areas with the original skintone, to reestablish the color. I wanted to keep her skin pale.
Yellow highlights on the hair - same reason.
Gunmetal and silver highlights on the metallic areas.

Face - as usual, white eyes, then black wash on the eyes and mouth, then white again on the eyes, and finally the pupils. Bright blue eyes complete the look.


I decided on a cracked earth base, suitable for any dungeon-dwelling adventurer (same as for the Chaos Chosen).

Glue on pieces of cork and rocks to emulate the cracked earth.

Base in reddish brown.

Heavy brown drybrush.

Black wash in the recesses and on ground level, then overall brown wash (Agrax earthshade).

Brown edge highlight.

Bonewhite edge highlight, only on the tips of the large rocks.

Complete the base with a black ring on the edge of the base.


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